If you dream of the letter B then this dream can possibly be telling you to let things be in life.

White Lightning
White Lightning

To see the letter "B" written down on paper symbolizes subordination and not doing what you want in life.

White Lightning
Orange Lightning

This letter calls for you to contemplate as well as perform in a way that is effective.


To see the letter “B” written down anywhere in a dream indicates that you are about to get a new BOYFRIEND

White Lightning

the letter "B" can also represent missing the mark or settling for second best.

The letter B in a dream represents feelings about yourself or some area of your life not being easy.

White Lightning
White Lightning

To see others writing this letter in a dream is a message that you are going to gain new start due to other people, second person in your life.

If you have a message from another person which contains the letter B then this may mean that you are going to be a second person for the sender.


Not liking not getting all the attention that you may feel you deserve more

The letter B occurs in dreams when you feel low and think you are subordinate person

If the focus of the dream is on the letter “B” then spiritually this means you will find a Guru, whom you can surrender.

Orange Lightning

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